


The casework service provide non therapeutic services for women who have been subject to abuse and trauma and need support around their immediate emotional and practical needs. We offer a tiered approach to support, aiming to ensure we are offering the most appropriate intervention for women as their current circumstances fluctuate.

We have a multidisciplinary team who work with the woman to provide a holistic, and tailored package of support that includes access to one to one support with a caseworker, specialist groups including Freedom programme for domestic abuse, Finding Strength which is our in house course for women apart from their children and Stronger Futures, which touches on women having an understanding of different areas of their complex lives, including working with child protection.

The time frame of intervention available can change depending on funding and the woman’s need. Our aim is to promote positive lasting change for the women, without creating dependency on services. We work to give women the skills they needs to lead fulfilled and independent lives. We have a strengths based and solution focussed approach to our work, and value multi agency working.


The counselling service provides therapeutic treatments for women with common mental health problems, often as a result of trauma, adverse childhood experience, relationship difficulties or bereavement. We offer at stepped approach within counselling. Step 3 counselling at the centre fits a traditional primary care mental health offer and our 3+ treatment offer for women is unique in Wakefield. Step 3+ is offered to women that would ordinarily have needs beyond the remit of primary care but not meet the threshold for primary care intervention.

The centre runs a reputable placement for student counsellors and values a developmental approach. Many of our volunteer student counsellors have gone on to become paid and experienced therapists at the centre. We have a small team of experienced staff therapists who have all added to their core training to become IAPT qualified therapists.

Person Centred and Integrative modalities are offered within step 3 by volunteer and staff counsellors.

IAPT and NICE approved modalities of Person Centred Experiential Counselling (PCEC), Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) are offered within Step 3+ by our staff team and some experienced volunteer counsellors.

Groups and courses

We run a wide variety of different groups and courses at the centre, we promote these on our website and social media.

Some examples of our courses are;

• Gateway to wellbeing, a rolling course looking at different ways to improve and maintain emotional wellbeing.

• Open house, our light touch rolling group, this has different activities and speakers throughout the year, particularly suited to women who feel isolated or lonely.

• Menopause, one of our bet attended group, it looks at symptoms and management of menopause.

• Freedom Programme, a national 12 week programme looking at different aspects of domestic abuse, how to spot the sign, and what a healthy relationship looks like.

• Finding Strength, a course for women who are apart from their children for a variety of complex reasons, most often the women have children in foster care, or adopted.

• Stronger Futures, looking at different aspects of women’s complex lives, focussing on self-care, understanding domestic abuse, working with child protection, personal development and moving forward.

• Understanding anxiety, learning strategies and looking at different ways to manage the symptoms of anxiety.

We also run other issue specific courses for women on the IAPT counselling waiting list.

Here is what the client can expect

The client telephones us during our telephone registration session (Mondays 5pm – 7:30pm / Fridays 10am – 12:30pm). The client will be asked to give some brief details and will be booked a telephone assessment appointment.

The client will be prompted by a series of questions, and invited to discuss in some depth what she is struggling with, and how this affects her in different ways. We will ask what other services the client is engaged with and gain consent to share relevant information with them. Risk is evaluated and further assessed if necessary.

The allocations team consider every assessment from each of their different services and agree on service offer. Sometimes where it is felt that WWC cannot offer the most appropriate service, the client will be signposted or referred into another organisation.

Follow up
The client will be notified of the outcome of assessment by email or text in most cases, we aim to do this no longer than 2 weeks after her assessment. If we have any concerns that we need to discuss further with the client or if we want to discuss any other services, we will telephone the client.

Service offer
Depending on the service offered, there may be a wait before this begins. The client will be made aware of this at follow up and we will aim to keep some contact with her whilst she is waiting.

Please look through the different services for a more in depth overview of what we currently offer.

What’s going on

Christmas Closure

The Centre will close following on from our telephone registration

WWC Volunteer Recruitment: Trustee Vacancy

We are now recruiting for the following volunteer position: Trustee


From Friday 19th July our telephone registration will be open